26 Ways Your Kids Can Earn Themselves A Little Cash

There’s never a bad time to start earning money – or to start developing a sound work ethic – so encouraging your children to make a little cash of their own is always a great idea.

More to the point, your kid might even want to earn a little money for any number of reasons; it might make them feel grown-up and responsible, or they may have something in mind that they want to buy for themselves, for example.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of twenty-six ways your kids (regardless of their ages) can earn themselves a little cash. If you want to help your offspring find their way in the world and learn what it’s like to make money, this is for you.

Let’s get to it…

26. Sell Old Stuff

Let’s face it, kids accumulate a lot of stuff! They quickly grow out of clothes and shoes, their tastes in toys change, they always want the latest games consoles and so forth – but they’re also often hesitant to get rid of it.

A great incentive for them to let go of their old stuff is to let them sell it and keep the money!

Whether they have a garage/yard sale or list it online (on eBay, for example), selling their old stuff (assuming it’s in a saleable condition) is a super way for them to make a little cash.

25. Babysitting

Babysitting is the classic way for older children (namely teenagers) to make a little money for themselves.

Whether it’s babysitting within the family – for younger siblings or cousins, for example – or outside of it, it’s a great way for kids to learn how to be responsible for others.

Once the babysitter in question gets a few regulars, they will undoubtedly provide referrals to more and more parents (assuming the job done is a sufficient one), which will subsequently bring in more business!